Thursday, August 17, 2023
James McLamb, the founder and CEO of Generation Youth, widely known as "America's Youth Coach." With a background in Agricultural Education and Youth Development Leadership, James is passionate about making a positive impact on young people's lives. As a premiere youth speaker, trainer, and author of "Tomorrow's Youth," James has a unique talent for connecting with and inspiring young minds. He has also created innovative programs like the Ziglar Youth Certification and the Generation Youth Coach Certification. James is a devoted family man and invites you to join him on his mission to empower youth worldwide.
How Will We Impact Future Generations?
In his new book, James provides a strategy and a road map for dealing with the three critical difficulties young people encounter today - self-image, relationships, and goal-setting - that will affect all of their tomorrow's.
After working with youth in America for over 30 years, James has worked with hundreds of organizations to identify the best tools and resources needed to assist young people to succeed in their lives. The important message he shares is that we need to start a conversation about developing tomorrow's youth. There truly is no time to waste.
Jeff Heggie and Tami Matheny have joined together to create The Confident Athlete Program!
This book provides a strategy and a road map for dealing with the three critical difficulties young people encounter today—self-image, relationships, and goal-setting—that will affect all of their tomorrow’s.
Join James McLamb as he examines what causes these issues, how to spot them, and what strategies to employ when working with young people.
After working with youth in America for over 20 years, James has worked with hundreds of organizations to identify the best tools and resources needed to assist young people to succeed in their lives. Even though his findings are in these pages, the real point of this book is something far more important: to start a conversation about developing tomorrow’s youth. There truly is no time to waste.
"Young people are our hope for the future, but we are our young people's hope for today." Zig Ziglar - If you believe this and have the desire to make a difference in the lives of young people, this book will inspire you and show you how you can be a difference-maker.”
—Tom Ziglar, CEO of Zig Ziglar Corporation
Look for more information and connect with James at:
Success Coach